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Thursday, February 3, 2011

I LOVE getting mail!!!

So I have the itch to sew again .... right now I have the fabric for the boxes for my family room, but for some reason I'm just not that into the idea of getting all the materials for that project out. I think I want to work on another quilt. The good news is .... between yesterday and today I got a few nice surprises in the mail that will help with this itch ............ (suspenseful pause) ....

3 quilt patterns & 2 yards of fabric!!! =)

Here are the quilt patterns I got:
*When I ordered this I had plans to make a quilt w/it - but then I changed my mind on the pattern ... but it seems like it'll be a fun quilt to make, some day ....

*I am really excited for this one. I started planning - I'm going to use this pattern w/my Amy Butler August fields fabric (which is one of my FAVORITE Amy Butler fabrics, it's discontinued of course). I also just bought the polka dot fabric today - so I'll have to wait for that to come in to get started on the sewing part.

Here is what I have planned so far .... These are the squares I plan to use and their layout. (remember you have to imagine the black frames, white sashing, and border) ...

X-rated (I don't like this name any more than you do!)
*No official plans - but I'm thinking it would look good in traditional/small printed fabric like ...

Here's the fabric that I got:
2 yards of Amy Butler's August Field Pattern: Graceful Vine
**I'm thinking I'll use this as fabric for pillow covers for my family room - it should go perfect w/the print on the wall and the fabric boxes in the entertainment center (well, once I finish making them, of course!!)

So all this mail inspired me to get started on some quilts ... but alas, no fabric to sew ... so I remedied that w/ a nice big order from

I can't wait for my shipment to come in. Along w/the black polka dot fabric for the "so charming" quilt I also bought the fabric to the left. I have been obsessing over this fabric for the past month! It's called "Central Park" by Kate Spain ... I just kept coming back to it on - so I finally decided I HAD to have it! I'll keep you posted once my plans for this fabric as they become more clear. I bought coordinating fabric for the sashing, borders, binding, and backing - now I just need a plan. It's going to be a lot of fun to work with!

Well that's about it for tonight. Of course I still have the sewing bug, but no time left or fabric to sew with... Maybe I'll scrapbook in the meantime. . . . . or read a book......



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